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Arva - Neo Pro - Lavinsökare

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Materialuppgifter & kännetecken

skidåkning, skidturer, snowboard
digital avalanche beacon with 3 antennas
sökning efter flera begravda
Räckvidd (max):
70 m
240 g


The Neo Pro by Arva beacon has many functions that are necessary for professional rescue from avalanche accidents. The digital 3-antenna beacon allows the locating and finding of those buried in avalanches. As a mountain guide, mountain hunter or ski touring enthusiast, a beacon is indispensable.

The 3-antenna system maximises the circular reception range. The maximum range for the Neo Pro is 70 m. The device can carry out a so-called Auto-Test. This checks the charge status of the batteries and the correct functioning of the device. The user is informed in case of a problem. The group check function is there to check whether all members of the group are wearing a beacon in transmit mode. For the group test function, the device switches to device switches to close search so that the group leader can check every member of the group from a distance of under one metre. A group check should therefore be carried out before each tour. When a buried person has been located, the *flag function allows this person to be disregarded to concentrate on the search for other buried persons. This means that the signal from the ‘flagged’ buried person is no longer taken into consideration in the further search. The U-Turn Alarm informs the searcher immediately if they are going in the wrong direction. The device also has a Multiple Burial Indicator that shows if there are more than three buried persons. Interference management optimises the performance characteristics of the device when searching in an area that is affected by electromagnetic interference. The device reduces the search scope in the search mode to be able to disregard interference frequencies better. This function can also be deactivated. The Scrolling Function serves the organisation of a rescue procedure. A list of those buried is displayed in order of signal strength. You select a signal to be able to divide the search optimally among the rescuers. In case of a second avalanche, the Revert-to-Transmit Function** comes into play. Through a motion sensor, the device automatically resets to transmit mode after the device has not been moved for a certain period.

Key features and functions at a glance:

  • 3 antennas
  • Maximum range of 70 m
  • Auto-test function
  • Group test
  • Self test
  • Flag function
  • Interference management
  • U-turn alarm
  • Standby mode
  • Analogue mode
  • Revert-to-transmit function
  • Scrolling function
  • Search range in digital mode: 70 metres
  • Search range in analogue mode: 80 metres
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Bergsvän Max

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